Isabelle Augenstein
SynDARin: Synthesising Datasets for Automated Reasoning in Low-Resource Languages
Survey of Cultural Awareness in Language Models: Text and Beyond
FLARE: Faithful Logic-Aided Reasoning and Exploration
Can Transformers Learn n-gram Language Models?
DYNAMICQA: Tracing Internal Knowledge Conflicts in Language Models
Factcheck-Bench: Fine-Grained Evaluation Benchmark for Automatic Fact-Checkers
Revealing Fine-Grained Values and Opinions in Large Language Models
Social Bias Probing: Fairness Benchmarking for Language Models
Claim Verification in the Age of Large Language Models: A Survey
Factuality Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models
Grammatical Gender's Influence on Distributional Semantics: A Causal Perspective
A Unified Framework for Input Feature Attribution Analysis
Measuring and Benchmarking Large Language Models' Capabilities to Generate Persuasive Language
Revealing the Parametric Knowledge of Language Models: A Unified Framework for Attribution Methods
What Languages are Easy to Language-Model? A Perspective from Learning Probabilistic Regular Languages
Investigating the Impact of Model Instability on Explanations and Uncertainty
Understanding Fine-grained Distortions in Reports of Scientific Findings
The LEADING Guideline Reporting Standards for Expert Panel, Best-Estimate Diagnosis, and Longitudinal Expert All Data (LEAD) Studies
Investigating Human Values in Online Communities
Semantic Sensitivities and Inconsistent Predictions: Measuring the Fragility of NLI Models
Invisible Women in Digital Diplomacy: A Multidimensional Framework for Online Gender Bias Against Women Ambassadors Worldwide
Quantifying Gender Bias Towards Politicians in Cross-Lingual Language Models
People Make Better Edits: Measuring the Efficacy of LLM-Generated Counterfactually Augmented Data for Harmful Language Detection
PHD: Pixel-Based Language Modeling of Historical Documents
Explaining Interactions Between Text Spans
Thorny Roses: Investigating the Dual Use Dilemma in Natural Language Processing
Why Should This Article Be Deleted? Transparent Stance Detection in Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Discussions
Adapting Neural Link Predictors for Complex Query Answering
Revisiting Softmax for Uncertainty Approximation in Text Classification
Detecting Harmful Content on Online Platforms: What Platforms Need vs. Where Research Efforts Go
Faithfulness Tests for Natural Language Explanations
Measuring Intersectional Biases in Historical Documents
Multilingual Event Extraction from Historical Newspaper Adverts
Topic-Guided Sampling For Data-Efficient Multi-Domain Stance Detection
Measuring Gender Bias in West Slavic Language Models
Probing Pre-Trained Language Models for Cross-Cultural Differences in Values
Multi-View Knowledge Distillation from Crowd Annotations for Out-of-Domain Generalization
A Latent-Variable Model for Intrinsic Probing
Generating Fluent Fact Checking Explanations with Unsupervised Post-Editing
Modeling Information Change in Science Communication with Semantically Matched Paraphrases
Neighborhood Contrastive Learning for Scientific Document Representations with Citation Embeddings
TempEL: Linking Dynamically Evolving and Newly Emerging Entities
Can Edge Probing Tasks Reveal Linguistic Knowledge in QA Models?
Machine Reading, Fast and Slow: When Do Models 'Understand' Language?
QA Dataset Explosion: A Taxonomy of NLP Resources for Question Answering and Reading Comprehension
A Primer on Contrastive Pretraining in Language Processing: Methods, Lessons Learned and Perspectives
Habilitation Abstract: Towards Explainable Fact Checking
Quantifying Gender Biases Towards Politicians on Reddit
A Survey on Stance Detection for Mis- and Disinformation Identification
Counterfactually Augmented Data and Unintended Bias: The Case of Sexism and Hate Speech Detection
Same Neurons, Different Languages: Probing Morphosyntax in Multilingual Pre-trained Models
Fact Checking with Insufficient Evidence
Generating Scientific Claims for Zero-Shot Scientific Fact Checking
Multi-Sense Language Modelling
Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-Modal Language Generation
A Neighbourhood Framework for Resource-Lean Content Flagging
A Survey on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
Diagnostics-Guided Explanation Generation
Few-Shot Cross-Lingual Stance Detection with Sentiment-Based Pre-Training
Contrastive Text Pretraining for Zero to Few-Shot Long-Tail Learning
Longitudinal Citation Prediction using Temporal Graph Neural Networks
Information fusion as an integrative cross-cutting enabler to achieve robust, explainable, and trustworthy medical artificial intelligence
Time-Aware Evidence Ranking for Fact-Checking
Cross-Domain Label-Adaptive Stance Detection
How Does Counterfactually Augmented Data Impact Models for Social Computing Constructs?
Semi-Supervised Exaggeration Detection of Health Science Press Releases
Joint Emotion Label Space Modelling for Affect Lexica
Determining the Credibility of Science Communication
Inducing Language-Agnostic Multilingual Representations
CiteWorth: Cite-Worthiness Detection for Improved Scientific Document Understanding
Is Sparse Attention more Interpretable?
Multi-Hop Fact Checking of Political Claims
White Paper - Creating a Repository of Objectionable Online Content: Addressing Undesirable Biases and Ethical Considerations
Does Typological Blinding Impede Cross-Lingual Sharing?
Towards Explainable Fact Checking
University of Copenhagen Participation in TREC Health Misinformation Track 2020
A Diagnostic Study of Explainability Techniques for Text Classification
Generating Label Cohesive and Well-Formed Adversarial Claims
SubjQA: A Dataset for Subjectivity and Review Comprehension
Transformer Based Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer with Meta Learning
Claim Check-Worthiness Detection as Positive Unlabelled Learning
What Can We Do to Improve Peer Review in NLP?
SIGTYP 2020 Shared Task: Prediction of Typological Features
Unsupervised Evaluation for Question Answering with Transformers
Disembodied Machine Learning: On the Illusion of Objectivity in NLP
TX-Ray: Quantifying and Explaining Model-Knowledge Transfer in (Un-)Supervised NLP
Generating Fact Checking Explanations
2kenize: Tying Subword Sequences for Chinese Script Conversion
Semantic Textual Similarity of Sentences with Emojis
Back to the Future -- Sequential Alignment of Text Representations
MultiFC: A Real-World Multi-Domain Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact Checking of Claims
Mapping (Dis-)Information Flow about the MH17 Plane Crash
Domain Transfer in Dialogue Systems without Turn-Level Supervision
Retrieval-Based Goal-Oriented Dialogue Generation
X-WikiRE: A Large, Multilingual Resource for Relation Extraction as Machine Comprehension
Transductive Auxiliary Task Self-Training for Neural Multi-Task Models
Uncovering Probabilistic Implications in Typological Knowledge Bases
Unsupervised Discovery of Gendered Language through Latent-Variable Modeling
Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
A Probabilistic Generative Model of Linguistic Typology
Combining Sentiment Lexica with a Multi-View Variational Autoencoder
Issue Framing in Online Discussion Fora
What do Language Representations Really Represent?
Latent multi-task architecture learning
A strong baseline for question relevancy ranking
Parameter sharing between dependency parsers for related languages
Copenhagen at CoNLL--SIGMORPHON 2018: Multilingual Inflection in Context with Explicit Morphosyntactic Decoding
Nightmare at test time: How punctuation prevents parsers from generalizing
Jack the Reader – A Machine Reading Framework
Character-level Supervision for Low-resource POS Tagging
Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
From Phonology to Syntax: Unsupervised Linguistic Typology at Different Levels with Language Embeddings
Multi-Task Learning of Pairwise Sequence Classification Tasks over Disparate Label Spaces
KU-MTL at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Multi-task Identification of Affect in Tweets
Discourse-Aware Rumour Stance Classification in Social Media Using Sequential Classifiers
Tracking Typological Traits of Uralic Languages in Distributed Language Representations
A Supervised Approach to Extractive Summarisation of Scientific Papers
A simple but tough-to-beat baseline for the Fake News Challenge stance detection task
Generalisation in Named Entity Recognition: A Quantitative Analysis
Multi-Task Learning of Keyphrase Boundary Classification
SemEval 2017 Task 10: ScienceIE - Extracting Keyphrases and Relations from Scientific Publications
Sequential Approach to Rumour Stance Classification
Turing at SemEval-2017 Task 8: Sequential Approach to Rumour Stance Classification with Branch-LSTM
An Unsupervised Data-driven Method to Discover Equivalent Relations in Large Linked Datasets